Materials & Pricing

Foam Board (3/16 in.)
$3 per sq ft
Foam board is the most common material used for indoor signage. This paper-faced, white foam core board is strong, lightweight, and easy to cut. It is generally used for handheld or hanging signs.

Zebra Board (3/16 in.)
$5 per sq ft
Zebra board is made from the same material as foam board but the core and one side are black. It is generally used for signs that have the back exposed or signs that look better with a black edge.

Coroplast (4mm)
$3 per sq ft
Coroplast is an all weather board, generally used for outdoor signs, like yard signs and parking signs. Standard wire frames can be used to set the signs in the ground.

Textured Floor Sticker
$8 per sq ft
Textured floor sticker material has an industrial adhesive backing, allowing it to stick to nearly any surface. Floor stickers are a great way to add style to large open areas and take your weekend pictures to the next level.
Foam board is the most common material used for indoor signage. This paper-faced, white foam core board is strong, lightweight, and easy to cut. It is generally used for freestanding signs.
Foam Board (1/2 in.)
$4 per sq ft